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Submit your article to the JYP

Before submitting, please make sure that your article is your own work. For instance, if you are reviewing a known topic, make sure that your presentation is unique, and you are not simply stating the facts in an uninteresting manner. 

Your article must be in the form of a Google document. Please change the settings of the document so that anyone with the link can edit. We do not share your document with anyone else. 

All sources must be cited; proper references must be in place (references may follow any widely-accepted formatting, preferably Chicago). Please include a short bio of yours, in third person, in the document itself. 

Also, you consent to the publication of your article on our website by submitting it to us. If you have any additional comments about your article, please let us know under the "Comments, if any" field of the submission form below.

For any further query(s) regarding submissions, do check out the FAQ section, or shoot an email to

Thanks for submitting your article to the JYP! We will get in touch soon!

Submit: Job Application

The Journal of Young Physicists is an online, not-for-profit organization which offers young students the opportunity to get their physics articles reviewed and published. The JYP is committed to popularizing physics and fostering the growth of young physicists. 


©2020 by the Journal of Young Physicists. All rights reserved.

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